Past Newsletters


Winter 2014 In This Issue

  • The value of great advice
  • Private school fees
  • Investing: Residential propery or shares?


Spring 2013 In This Issue

  • Changing the way that Horizon Wealth presents itself
  • How Horizon Wealth creates value for you
  • Information on members of our team and our new adviser
  • Leading the new rules and regulations (FOFA and MySuper)
  • A client experience of the service provided by Horizon Wealth


Winter 2009 In This Issue

  • Launch of our new look website
  • Private school fees
  • Lessons learned from the past 2 years
  • Agricultural investments


Summer 2008 In This Issue

  • New Look for Horizon
  • Observations from Warren Buffett
  • A Unique Approach to Insurance
  • The Cost of Safety


Winter 2007
    In This Issue

  • Recent client successes and a case study
  • Horizon Wealth Management launches its website at
  • Horizon Wealth Managment sponsors Maccabi Swimming
  • Nobel Prize winner in Sydney
  • Investment Commentary – Financial Year July 06 to June 07
  • Keeping focused on the big picture
Autumn 2007
    In This Issue

  • To buy or not to buy – that is the question!
  • Tax tips for 2006/07
  • Horizon’s Investment Framework
  • Tax File Number for Superannuation
Summer 2007
    In This Issue

  • After Tax Returns
  • Window of Opportunity
  • Gift for Life – Invest for your Children
  • Back to school
  • Estate Planning – Thoughts for your consideration


Spring 2006
    In This Issue

  • Saving through Superannuation – is it as good as it seems!
  • Why consider Trauma Insurance
  • Latest budget announcements – September 2006
Winter 2006
    In This Issue

  • Investment commentary
  • Themes from the Budget
  • Co-contribution
  • Spouse Contribution
  • Transition to retirement for those who are either over 55 or approaching 55
  • Introducing our new mortgage and debt service